Exhibition 2016. PAPIERS CHOISIS II (Chosen Papers II)

Laduz Event

Summer 2016


July 2 to August 28, 2016

Opening Saturday, July 2 -17h30

Works of Odon, Bernadette Chéné, and Maria Theresa Herbin.

These artists come from a family bound by the same need to create with simple materials from everyday life: newsprint, kraft paper … so they cut, folded, woven, wrinkled, braided, carved, transforming paper into a work of contemporary art.

In reference to our 2004 exhibition, “From fiber and yarn,” we take our research and discovery of talented artists and recognized by their innovative and amazing works in their design.


Download the press release, in French, here: Communiqué de presse exposition Papiers Choisis II 2016


Linked to this event a creative bookbinding workshop will be held with Anne-Lise Chapperon

(Professional binding machine installed in Sens).
You will learn to create unique books from decorated papers and folded papers.

Workshop Star folding book
The decorated cover is made from cut or torn magazine paper, glued, sanded and stained and waxed. The inner leaves of different colors and creating a colorful gaggle are folded into origami.
Bring a magazine

Workshop book cover decorated with origami-inspired folding
The folded kraft paper cover is decorated using the technique of paper dominoté using tampons carved a potato. Inside, the leaves are sewn to the cover.
Bring a potato

The various techniques learned to make these books and require inexpensive equipment can be taken at home and declined to infinity to ever more inventive creations.

This workshop is open to children from 7 years and adults.
Wednesday 6 July 27 and 3, 17, 31 August from 14h to 17h
Child rates: 18 € -tarif adult: 22 € -tarif family (for 2): 35 €
Do not forget to book in advance as places are limited (12 places)! Snack break the museum.
(+33) 6 76 21 32 61